Gulf College
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The Scientific Research Platform  

About the Platform:

The platform, under Graduate Studies & Scientific Research, is dedicated to providing consultations and services for researchers, including faculty members and students. Its goal is to facilitate publication in prestigious and categorized scientific journals. The services offered include consultations for publishing in reputable scientific journals, statistical analyses, and translation and linguistic editing."

Scientific Research Activities

The Provided Services

 Platform's Vision

Supporting researchers in various scientific research areas.

 Platform's Mission

Providing services to researchers from the faculty members at Gulf College to facilitate publication in prestigious and categorized scientific journals.

 Platform's Objectives

The objectives of The Scientific Research Platform:

  • Enhancing research skills and increasing participation in national and international forums.
  • Providing a suitable research environment for faculty members.
  • Improving the scientific research productivity at the college through publications in peer-reviewed journals.

  The Provided Services

Scientific Consulting Service Icon name
Statistical Analysis Service Icon name
Proofreading Service Icon name
Scientific Research Translation Service Icon name
Similarity Quotation Measurement Service Icon name
Scientific Production Base Icon name